Monday, June 3, 2013

Some days!

Some days I just want to go crawl back into bed and SLEEP; that rarely ever happens unless I'm not feeling well (and even then I don't stay in bed; nap only!) or I'm getting depressed (which is so infrequent now THANK GOD).
It's another beautiful day here in Loveland, CO - blue skies everywhere.  Have Sydney on my lap sleeping, Rosie just jumped down and is probably all swaddled in her blanket bed in their pen.  She is the silliest little dog; if you can't find Rosie, lift up a blanket and if it is has weight to it - you will find her there.
I have my days when I think to much; sometimes I still think everything that has gone on over the last few years isn't real and I'll wake up to a very bad dream.  It took a lot of intensive introspection but I'm so over that biggest mountain and now it's tying up loose ends, one end at a time.
I can't believe I was played a fool the way I was by a predator, that is the only name for it.  I fell for it all hook line and sinker.  ENOUGH.
I'm giving up my house in Texas, trying to sell but it needs so much work, I don't forsee it happening.  I still have 3 donkey's, 2 horses and about 4 dogs that need homes plus a couple cats.  I have so many of my babies laid to rest there but the main thing is that they are all over that Rainbow Bridge playing together and that part makes me smile even with a little sadness.

Oh wow this sounds depressing and I'm not depressed!  Let's move on to the next subject, shall we?

I'm hoping to get to go see my boy Ben up in Bridgeport, NE next Saturday <fingers, toes and eyes crossed> lol   Trying without fail to get him some bookings to breed but it's slow go and I have him listed all over the place.
I'm also trying to get back into the workforce doing what I used to do which is US Customs House Brokerage import/export.  Denver doesn't seem to have as many jobs as other ports.  Due to my neuropathy I will need to move closer to my place of employment when I get hired so I won't have to drive as far.

Let's see here are a couple pictures to share of me with Rosie (Chi) & with Sydney (Chi-chi)


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